Free Coupon Code Python Bootcamp: 30 Hours Of Step By Step Python Lessons 100% OFF

Free Coupon Code Python Bootcamp: 30 Hours Of Step By Step Python Lessons 100% OFF
Free Coupon Code Python Bootcamp: 30 Hours Of Step By Step Python Lessons 100% OFF

Udemy coupon code for Python Bootcamp: 30 Hours Of Step By Step Python Lessons course taught by Peter Alkema , Media Training Worldwide Digital, which has 2,308 students and is rated 4.2 out of 46 votes. This course is about 30 hour(s) in English and was updated on November 28, 2024. You can use this Udemy course with a free certificate and find the coupon at the bottom of this page.

Learn Python Intro, Date, Time, Strings, Tuples, Arguments, Lambda, def, Compilations, Data Visualisation PLUS Projects

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30 hours of clear and concise step-by-step instructions, practical lessons, and engagement

This course introduces Python as a programming language, how to use it, and the different underlying concepts in developing applications or solving real-world problems using this language. This course does not require technical Coding skills and it is meant for everyone who wishes to build a career in digital world.

What will you learn:

  • Introduction to Python

  • Date and Time in Python

  • Sets, Trigonometry, Logarithmic in Python

  • Arrays in Python

  • Round off, and Complex Numbers in Python

  • Strings in Python

  • Strings, ord, chr, and Binary Numbers in Python

  • Lists and Dictionaries in Python

  • Tuples in Python

Contents and Overview

You'll start with Intro To Python: Printing Variables in Python, Strings, Floating Points, and Digits in Python, Printing Variables in Python, Inserting, Removing, and Pop Up of Variables in Python.

Date and Time In Python: Printing Date and Time in Python, Import and From Date Time in Python, Printing Current Date Time in Python, Printing Current Year in Python, Hours, Minutes, and Seconds in Python, Microseconds in Python, Time stamp in Python, Time Difference in Python, Time Delta in Python, Time Delta in Python 2, Now Date and Time in Python

Sets, Trigonometry, Logarithmic in Python; Intersection and Union of Sets in Python; Difference of Sets in Python, True and False in Sets Using Python, Adding and Removing Elements in Sets, Code for Intersection and Union in Python, Element in Sets, Math and CMath, Trigonometry in Python, Logarithmic and Mod Operators, Bitwise Operators in Python, Binary into Decimals in Python, Binary into Integers, Multiple Variables in Python, True and False Statement in Python

Arrays in Python: Arrays in Python, Inserting Elements in Array, Pop Up Arrays, Index and Reverse Arrays, Finding Error in Codes: Assignment

Round off, Trigonometry and Complex Numbers in Python: Round off and Truncation, Degrees into Radians and Radians into Degrees Using Python, Positive and Negative Infinity in Python, Not a Number Coding in Python, Complex Numbers Coding in Python

Strings in Python: Printing Strings in Python, Counting in Strings, Open a File in Python, Printing Multiple Strings in Python, Strings True and False in Python, Slicing and Indexing in Strings

Strings, ord, chr and binary numbers in Python: Strings and Integers, ord and chr Tools in Python, Int and Binary Numbers in Python

Lists and Dictionaries in Python: Lists in Python, Adding Strings in Lists, Pop Up and Removing Strings in Lists, Assignment Code, Dictionaries in Python, Lists, and Dictionaries

Tuples in Python: Tuples in Python: Lists into Tuples, Why Lists and Tuples in Python, Data File in Python

Assigning Tuples, Strings and Tuples, Strings, Tuples into Lists, Sequences in Python, Multiple Sequences.

Tuples into Loops, Sequences into Loops, List into Loop, Item into Loop, Appending Sequences.

Range and List, Dictionaries into Tuples, Enumerator Functions, List, Item and Iterators, List Comprehension.

Mapping in Python; Zip and Map Operator; Printing Dictionaries Items; dir Attributes; dir Attributes 2;

Arguments; Sequences and Arguments; Intersection of Sequences; Defining Functions; Multiple Functions;

Changer Function; Argument Functions; Multiple Arguments and Functions; Knownly Type of a Function; Printing Tuples Using Functions; def Statement;

Min and MAX of Argument; Assignment; String Code; Finding Sum of List; Sum Tree;

Echo Function; Schedule Function; Printing a Function Value; Lambda Function; Multiple Lambda Function; Lambda Function with Multiple Functions;

Lambda Function: Code Example; Lambda Function: Code Example; Range and Tuples; Matrices in Python; Generating a Function in Python; Generating a Function: Code Example; Set of Codes;

def of Sum and Square; Reducing Code in Python; Function Reducing Tool; for and if in Range; res.append in Python;

def Saver; Python Module; isinstance for String and Object; def fetcher in Python; Exception in Python; ASII in Python; encoding and decoding in Python; encoding and decoding Lecture 2; encoding and decoding Lecture 3; encoding and decoding Lecture 4;

getName Coding; GetAtrr in Python; GetAtrribute in Python; Decorator in Python; Nested Decorator; Annotation and Decorator; functools for Decorator; inspectfunc tool in Python;

Class Method in Python; Turtle, Time and Random; Pandas Library Code; Compilation in Python; Data Visualization in Matplotlib; Scattering: Data Visualization; Enumerator Function;

Plotly in MATPLOTLIB; Plot: Data Visualization; Logging and Exception; Printing Vowels; Map and Operator; HTTP Server: Practical Python; Socket Library for HTTP Server;

Tree Coding; Tree Coding Lecture 2; Name and Size of a File; Countdown Time: Practical Python; Make a Calculator: Practical Python;

Leap Year in Python; PyAudio Lecture 1; PyAudio Lecture 2; Creating a Shelve in Python; Pandas Library: DataFrame;

Who are the Instructors?

Dr. Alla Dittah is your lead instructor – a professional making a living from teaching programming to people like you. He has joined with content creator Peter Alkema to bring you this amazing new course.

You'll get premium support and feedback to help you become a better Python Programmer!

We can't wait to see you on the course!

Enroll now, and learn Python!

Peter and Allah

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