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Modern JavaScript is really a wide and moving target. You may have learned JavaScript five years ago and some of those techniques may be considered old by today's standards, just as you may know JavaScript techniques from 20 years ago that are still considered modern best practices. My intent is to take you on a guide through JavaScript's various ins and outs to learn modern JavaScript as it's known today.
In this course I will explain:
The Steps to Becoming a JavaScript Developer
the tools and the knowledge needed
JavaScript basics
What is JavaScript
Script loading strategies
Strings and arrays
Interaction with HTML pages
Use JavaScript to interact with a form
Manage the events in input elements in a form with JavaScript
Use JavaScript to change the CSS style of HTML elements
The document Object
Troubleshooting JavaScript
JavaScript building blocks
Looping code
More on events
Event listeners
Event objects
Event properties and methods
JavaScript objects
Object properties and methods
Objects within objects
Set and modify object members
Create objects
JavaScript object prototypes
The prototype chain
Shadowing properties
Setting prototypes
Own properties of prototypes
Prototypes and inheritance
Object-oriented programming in JavaScript
Classes and instances
OOP in JavaScript
Working with JSON data
Asynchronous JavaScript: traditional
Why Asynchronous JavaScript
Event handlers with Asynchronous JavaScript
Asynchronous JavaScript and Callbacks
Asynchronous JavaScript: modern
The fetch() API
Promise chaining
Handle errors with promises
Promise Terminologies
Combination of multiple promises
async and await
Client-side web APIs
What are APIs?
Common browser APIs and common third-party APIs
How do APIs work?
Document Object Model (DOM) APIs
APIs for fetching data from a server
Third party APIs
At the end we will see some applications to verify what we have learned in this course.
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