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If you want to learn HTML and CSS from the beginning than this course if for you. HTML
HTML basics
HTML Elements
HTML Attributes
HTML Headings
HTML Paragraphs & Styles
HTML Text Formatting &Quotation and Citation Elements
HTML Images, Tables &Lists
HTML class Attribute & id Attribute
HTML Computer Code Elements
HTML Semantic Elements & Style Guide
Using Emojis in HTML &HTML Encoding (Character Sets)
HTML Forms
HTML Graphics
HTML Media
CSS Syntax
CSS Selectors
CSS Comments
CSS Background and boarders
CSS padding and margin
CSS Text, font and icons
CSS Links, Lists and tables
CSS Position and Z-index
CSS overflow and Float
CSS Inline block and Align
CSS Pseudo-classes and Pseudo-elements
CSS Navigation Bar and Dropdown
CSS Images Gallery & sprites
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Create An Animated Landing Page by HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Design a Website Template using HTML5 & CSS3
How Websites Work
Mastering HTML5 and CSS3 (Part 3 - Advanced Level)
CSS, Bootstrap ,JavaScript, PHP Full Stack Crash Course
Mastering HTML5 and CSS3 (Part 1 - Beginner Level)
Corporate Finance #2 Financial Ratios
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Program
Corporate Finance #15 Dividend Policy
Corp. Finance #14 Financing-Commons Stock & Preferred Stock
Corporate Finance #4 Leverage & Break-Even Analysis
Corporate Finance #1 Introduction & Financial Statements
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