Free Coupon Code Git for Beginners 100% OFF

Free Coupon Code Git for Beginners 100% OFF
Free Coupon Code Git for Beginners 100% OFF

Udemy Free coupon code for Git for Beginners course taught by Thomas Claudius Huber, which has 52,846 students and is rated 4.5 out of 1,080 votes. This course is about 2 hour(s) 30 minute(s) in English and was updated on March 14, 2025. You can use this Udemy course with a free certificate and find the coupon at the bottom of this page.

Learn everything you need to use Git and GitHub to track and store the changes of your source code.

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Git is one of the most popular version control systems. This course will teach you how to work with Git to track and store the changes of your source code.

First, you will learn the bascis about Git. You will learn what version control systems are and how local, centralized, and distributed version control systems work.

After this, you will learn how to set up Git on your machine. You'll learn how to configure Git, so that your name and email are stored with every commit.

Next, you will learn how to work with local repositories. You will use the commandline to create a repository on your machine and I will show you how to stage and commit changes.

After this, you will learn how to branch and merge your code to work on specific features of your project. You will also learn how to handle merge conflicts that can happen when multiple developers are working on the same code base.

Finally, you will learn how to push your code to a remote repository on GitHub, how to clone an existing repository from GitHub, and how to use pull requests to collaborate with other developers.

After this course, you will have the skills and knowledge needed to use Git successfully in your projects.

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